The Staff

Doeun Orm, Director/Manager, is 43 and lives on-site with her husband of 2 years who is also a staff member.
I met Doeun in 2008 on an early trip to Cambodia as she was the housekeeper of an American friend of mine. At the time she had nearly no English but impressive with her focus, cooking and sanitation skills and kindness. She is a devout Buddhist, preys daily at the small alter inside Buckhunger and often goes to Temple for her own family blessings as well as others, myself and my family included.
In my return to Cambodia in 2010, Doeun was my key to developing and organizing Buckhunger.
I don’t speak Kymer nor will I ever and at that time, English speakers were rarely, if ever, in shops or markets or such. Finding a space and lease, Building a kitchen and all the details that go into a restaurant, even a free non profit, is always a task in its self, not having even the barest of language skills presents a major obstacle.
On a $100 a month, broken rental bike, Doeun and I scoured the crazy streets of PP in search of the many things that make up a restaurant; sinks & taps, burners, pots & pans, tin service plates and cups and hundreds of various items, most of which she had never seen, used or could name.
Once Buckhunger got ready to open there was staff to hire and train and uniform and procedures to learn..all of which had to be translated and taught.
After opening, there were thousands of kids of every age with absolutely no clue to what or why Buckhunger, most did not even know how to wash their tiny hands, some had never used a fork.
This was a complete new experience; a yummy free meal everyday!
And then Buckhunger had to close!
And then reopen. Doeun did it all. Physically and emotionally.
Where I may be considered to be the backbone, Doeun is the heart and soul of Buckhunger. It’s been her life now for a dozen years. I pray it will be her Buckhunger long after I’m gone.
Trusting, faithful and committed, she takes care of the kids, the elders, the visitors, the money, the buying, the bookkeeping, the quality and the bad news from me when money is not available. All with the help of google translate.
Doeun makes $250 per month.
The other 3 staff members are her husband, Hok (a niece) who does the cooking and cleaning and has been with us since opening, and one other relative.
Staff members live in-house and after starting at $60 per month have recently been raised to $80.