Kids In Need
Of Food
The hungry kids in Cambodia need our LOVE and support
Participate in our mission and help us continue creating a better tomorrow for the kids

Our Mission:
For over 10 years, BUCKHUNGER has maintained one ideal: Free meals for Cambodian Kids, this includes free healthy hot meals and fresh clean water to Cambodia Kids in Need. Buckhunger has done its job well with over 400,000 free meals having been provided in-house since 2011. And the pandemic horrors of 2020 have not stopped us, only changed us.
With Phnom Penh restrictions in place since April, 2020 and the predictable loss of sponsorship and visitors, Buckhunger faced reinventing itself because our kids needed us, now more than ever.
A generous donor showed up in December 2020, a new better location was found and our equipment including the donated Water Purifier is installed. And the hungry kids lined up.
Free meals for Cambodian Kids
The process remains the same – Free meals for Cambodian Kids. Our staff, led by our longtime Director/Manager Douen Orm selects the freshest produce and protein to be prepared Kymer style each morning, 6 days a week. Revolving meal menus pay close attention to health benefits, providing bulk while meeting the tastes of young kids that are in desperate need of food, clean water and nourishment. The meals are packed in sanitary to-go boxes for takeaway as per current local guidelines. Buckhunger always stays in compliance with local authorities and regulations.
Our goal is providing full tummies for kids. But Buckhunger does much more. Please take the time to read about our history, our love of kids and others in need, our diverse programs that help Cambodian kids in many ways and how you can be part of our ongoing effort.
Buckhunger is not certified to offer or provide any housing for children and is beyond the scope of our efforts.
Buckhunger will adjust to any and all disasters to KEEP FEEDING HUNGRY KIDS.
With your help, Buckhunger will be here 10 years from now and 10 years after…. as long as there are hungry kids in Cambodia that need our LOVE!Free meals Cambodian Kids

The Problem:
Today, thousands of children in Cambodia face another day without food and clean water. Ancient Cambodia was a country of peace and human kindness. That all changed when the Kymer Rouge rose to power in the 70s which introduced famine, unimaginable poverty and sustained sorrow. For many kids and elders, this horror continues every day. The current pandemic woes have only added to this daily distress.
BUCKHUNGER, for over 10 years, has provided nutritious meals and clean filtered water to the disadvantaged and the helpless. These are children as young as 4 that often have no parental or guardian support and must fend for themselves without any existing community or governmental safety nets. Malnutrition is rampant as can been seen in photos of young kids with what looks like bleached (redish) hair but is actually pigment loss, a severe warning sign. Most of our kids are far from normal weight and height and appear much younger than their true age. Dressed in rags, young kids are commonly seen begging for anything edible on the streets of Phnom Penh, even water.
In summary, we address the problem of Hunger, Thirst, Poor Nutrition, Stunted Growth and Under Development.